While walking a precious four-legged friend the other day, I had an awareness spill over
me of the many blessings I am enjoying as a Countryside Village resident.
Missy, my four-legged friend, and I walk this same route late each afternoon and enjoy
the quietness, the singing of birds, the breezes of the statuesque trees and the chit-chat with
neighbors in their yards and on their porches.
Each time I walk, I thank God that I am here. This is definitely a village – one in which
you feel the love and friendliness of residents and staff. This is a family.
The other day, I was reading the sweet, sweet story of Stella, the little dog adopted by
Grace Ann Edgerton, the Admissions Coordinator for Countryside Manor. Stella spends most of
her days with Grace Ann in her office.
Before Grace Ann found her, Stella was alone, lost and hurt. Shy and nervous around
people, Stella was introduced to the staff and residents of Countryside Manor. After I read
Stella’s story, I thought about how each one of us – human and animal – has a part to play in the
lives of others.
Four-legged friends become precious and are welcomed at Countryside. Stella soon
found friends, feels accepted and has become an important part of the warm, loving environment
at Countryside. She comes to work almost every day and enriches the lives of those around her.
Even though I was not lost, alone or hurt, I am sure that Stella and I have some of the
same feelings – blessings that we were led to Countryside, thankfulness for all our new friends
who have become our family and our enjoyment of the beauty and ambiance of surroundings
As I sit on my patio, surrounded by lovely flowers, feeling the gentle breeze from the
trees behind me and enjoying the sweet songs of birds nearby, my thoughts are simple – this is
the place to be!
(Written by: Catchie Huntley, Countryside Village resident)